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Patch 3.2 - When do you think it will come out?
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Author:  Neesha the Necro [ Fri Jun 19, 2009 11:49 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Patch 3.2 - When do you think it will come out?

I don't doubt that they have something new in the pipeline and have all of their 'A-team" working on it. That would certainly explain the weak content that they are releasing. Also, it's funny that nobody mentioned how they are going to handle the next raid content. Since everything was beaten a week after it was released last time, their "solution" this time is to simply release one boss a week? Didn't I read this? And did I read that you'll get better rewards for clearing in one attempt vs. several attempts (Crusaders' Tribute)? Are they just doing this so all guilds learn all of the encounters on the PTR?

It's easy to talk trash about a game that I don't play anymore, so I am trying to look at it from all angles, but Jesus Christ, they really do seem to be ruining things. Who are they catering to these days?

Author:  joxur [ Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:08 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Patch 3.2 - When do you think it will come out?

The one possibility left to consider is that with all of the server problems they've had, they'd rather trickle in smaller content patches faster, than larger content patches slower. So this patch comes out with 5 bosses, they can load balance accordingly. Put badges in heroics and naxx to spread the load around to other instances. I dunno.

Author:  Bovinity Divinity [ Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:17 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Patch 3.2 - When do you think it will come out?

Who are they catering to these days?

I dunno anymore. You can't even say "casuals" anymore. The "casuals" of TBC are the ones clearing 25-mans now.

I'm still trying to sell my account. I just don't care. It's barely even an MMO anymore.

Author:  krby71 [ Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:19 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Patch 3.2 - When do you think it will come out?

Let me know if you have any luck selling your acct. My acct has a U25 Geared, zero PVP, Ret Pally with a Nax25 geared Hunter and various other alts ranging from 40 to 70

Author:  Bovinity Divinity [ Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:21 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Patch 3.2 - When do you think it will come out?

It's up on PA right now for a grossly inflated price just to see what happens for now. =D

It kinda sucks though because I have 4 80's (and 2 70's) 3 of which are so-so raid geared ([Epic] Achievement lol) and some other random novelties (CotN title, Netherdrake, Server First tradeskill achievement) so it's hard to let it go really cheaply, but how many people really want to pay for 4 characters at once?

Author:  Givin Wetwillies [ Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:44 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Patch 3.2 - When do you think it will come out?

It's a game of Red Light/Green Light now. I can see the great benefit of gear resets. It does help smooth things over, but let's be real here, there is no real reason to do this 3 times in one expansion, in a year timespan, completely outdating and making CURRENT EXPANSION content obsolete and worthless.

The naxx/heroic badge, just wow.

Author:  Bovinity Divinity [ Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:48 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Patch 3.2 - When do you think it will come out?

I know it sounds weird, but Blizzard has always seemed almost afraid that people wouldn't do their new content (Whenever new content was released) so they felt the need to lay waste to everything that came before and seriously just cattle prod our asses into it.

And instead of getting more confident about it, they seem to be getting worse, continually resetting everything now.

Author:  Zatronn1 [ Fri Jun 19, 2009 1:30 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Patch 3.2 - When do you think it will come out?

They're catering to people like me. I still really enjoy WoW. I have one main character that I have time to play. I am in a guild with a bunch of other people who have little time to play. We raid a total of 6 hours a week. 3 hours, two nights. We're still working on Yogg, because it took us a fair amount of resets just to clear the zone. We've barely touched hard modes. I still feel like there's a lot of stuff to work on, as far as raids go.

I think the difference though, is that WoW is not a "focus" for me. It's a diversion that I kill a few hours with now and then. As such, I'm very happy with the rate they're releasing content. I couldn't consume it much faster. I'm pretty casual. That's who they're catering to.

Author:  Bovinity Divinity [ Fri Jun 19, 2009 1:43 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Patch 3.2 - When do you think it will come out?

We raid a total of 6 hours a week. 3 hours, two nights.

That's about as much as most raiding guilds raid anymore. It's not "casual" or anything.

Author:  Zatronn1 [ Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:03 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Patch 3.2 - When do you think it will come out?

Dunno, when I looked around at raiding guilds, most that I saw had 3-4 raid nights. My situation feels pretty casual to me. I enjoy the two raid nights, but don't worry too much about WoW otherwise. That way, I still have fun logging in. /shrug.

Author:  Venen [ Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:24 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Patch 3.2 - When do you think it will come out?

I'd call it semi-casual, and it depends on what you raid. For example, my guild WAS raiding 4 nights a week 4 hours each, but now we've learned most of the encounters and that time has gone way down. However, we're working on downing a few of the hardmodes so that time is likely to increase as we try a few of the more difficult ones on the 25-man version.

So it sorta depends on if you're working on something. If you just want to clear 25-man Uld to Yogg, do no other 25-mans and stop there without working on any encounters, that'll take you quite a bit less than 6 hours. I know 25-man naxx is pretty unlikely for most guilds, I just put that caveat in there because my guild started killing 3-drake Sarth again recently for a few minor upgrades(trinkets, etc) and the drake. Wouldn't be extremely surprised if a few guilds went to a bigger extreme and cleared 25 naxx as well still, but probably still in the minority.

Author:  krby71 [ Fri Jun 19, 2009 6:48 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Patch 3.2 - When do you think it will come out?

Why? Why is it worth it anymore? When 3.2 comes out there will be no need to raid Uld anymore.

This whole previous zone obsolete is going to really hurt the game. You will have people that PVP only and people will slowly quit raiding. Why try to do something now when is a couple weeks it will be nerfed because some set of dumb-ass wanna-be raiders say it is too hard. Then a couple months later the whole thing will be rendered useless due to yet another gear-reset.

Screw it! This isn't worth $15 bucks a month anymore.

Author:  Venen [ Sat Jun 20, 2009 2:40 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Patch 3.2 - When do you think it will come out?

Your call, if you find something better to play(latest FOTM MMORPG, or nostalgia MMO) more power to ya.

I don't see how the whole "zone is obsolete, why bother!" has changed much throughout the years really though. Even BWL gear had better pieces for almost every slot than MC, and it was especially evident when TBC came out.

Lets take Karazhan. Remove Attumen, Maiden, Opera, Shade, Illhoof, and Nightbane.

In there place are the following achievements:

- Kill Moroes while all 4 of his guests are alive.
- Kill Netherspite without anyone in the raid being afflicted by Nether Exhaustion.
- Kill Curator without anyone doing damage during the Evocation phase.
- Kill Prince Malchezzar after all 10 raid members have been struck by Shadow Nova.

(No, I didn't put a lot of thought into those.)

Is that the same?

In some ways, yea. Frankly, I was always a big fan of Kara because the diversity of the bosses was not very subtle. Still, very basic factors and changes apply to most of the fights. Take out Romeo in the Opera encounter and, omgah, you have the Attumen fight.. hardmode! Big Bad Wolf is tank and spank with fears i.e. Magmadar BUT!!!11 Omg he makes you run around as a gnome... hardmode! Aside from the adds and fear, Nightbane and Prince primarily differ in that standing in shadow nova or fires while shadowed can kill you(hell, even Nightbane occasionally required a small amount of repositioning on landing, similar to Prince but on a smaller scale)... hardmode!

You'll usually find more striking similarities outside of encounters' respective zones. Curator is similar to XT. Iron council is similar to "kill one, buff the other mobs" fights, i.e. Majordomo. Ignis's tank movement is similar to Archimonde, with adds and a slag pot. Then you've got the Thorim encounter with the runway from the encounter in Utgarde Pinnacle. Mimiron don't stand in the shit. Yogg copy/pasted from C'thun.

It's all the same recycled stuff. Sure, I guess if you're itchin' for some phat lores there's something to be said, but the gameplay doesn't really change all that drastically from boss to boss.

Author:  Evilundead Afterlife [ Sat Jun 20, 2009 2:40 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Patch 3.2 - When do you think it will come out?

Your call, if you find something better to play(latest FOTM MMORPG, or nostalgia MMO) more power to ya

This is true. There are not that many good MMO's on the market right now. I have high hopes for Star Wars, but other than that. Its pretty slim on choices atm.

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